Whilst the national Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom closed down on 30 November 2018, the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (North) lives on and produces MediaNorth quarterly. CPBF(North) covers the North West, Yorks & Humber and North East of England. We also have supporters in Scotland. CPBF (North) highlights threats to regional media such as the … [Read more...]
Women, The Miner’s Strike and The Media: Lessons for Our Troubled Times
THURSDAY 22 NOVEMBER 7.30PM–ADMISSION FREE Tyneside Irish Centre, 43 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SG This public meeting looks at media coverage of the miners’ strike, the role of women in the strike and afterwards, and unfinished business from the strike in the call by the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign for a public inquiry into the policing at Orgreave on … [Read more...]