Whilst the national Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom closed down on 30 November 2018, the Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom (North) lives on and produces MediaNorth quarterly. CPBF(North) covers the North West, Yorks & Humber and North East of England. We also have supporters in Scotland. CPBF (North) highlights threats to regional media such as the … [Read more...]
Fed up with ultra concentrated media power? Join Better Media
If we want peace, justice and sustainability we need land, money and media reform. Land and banking reform are the big ones, but we need media reform first; without it we'll never have the quality of public discourse needed to bring about wider systems change. As activist and author David Korten once put it: The key to changing the course of the human future, is to change the … [Read more...]
End of the CPBF
by Ann Field, Chair CPBF National Council The sad decision to wind up the CPBF follows a period of deep reflection. Despite declining resources the organisation’s breadth of activity has been maintained somehow: media reform, public service broadcasting, national and regional newspaper monopolisation, News Corp/Sky, Free Press, the website, Media Manifestos, participation in … [Read more...]
CPBF to close by 30 Nov 2018
The end of CPBF At the 2018 AGM of CPBF the following motion to close down the Campaign, proposed by our National Council (NC) passed: “In view of the continuing decline of the financial situation of our organisation this Annual General Meeting has decided to close down the CPBF and cease all campaigning, administrative and financial processes by no later than 30th November … [Read more...]
The BBC: what’s gone wrong?
by Tim Gopsill One of the prevailing sounds of the summer was the call of the BBC news bulletin bearing the daily accusation of Labour Party anti-semitism, delivered in tones of feigned regret that the party seemed unable to bring the story to a halt. Of course the entire national press were at it as well, but wasn’t the BBC supposed to be different? Not any more. For … [Read more...]
Lies and delusions
by Julian Petley What has resolutely united such unlikely bedfellows as the Guardian and the Telegraph, the Mail and the Mirror? It’s the Cliff Richard judgement, and their objections to it are as wrong-headed and ill-informed as they are unanimous. Briefly, they are concerned that Mr Justice Mann “has decided that article 8 [of the European Convention on Human Rights], … [Read more...]
Hatebook Revealed
A report by Reuters documents many of the most horrifying cases of anti-Muslim and anti-Rohingya Facebook postings in Burma/Myanmar and reveals how Facebook’s response to complaints of hate speech on its Burmese site has been under-resourced and inadequate despite repeated warnings from independent observers, some delivered to Facebook executives at its head office in … [Read more...]
DCMS committee pulls its punches
by Gary Herman Four decades ago, when the Campaign was launched, the media landscape in Britain looked very different. We lived in an analogue age that was before the arrival of giant global advertising machines like Google and Facebook. It was before the launch of smartphones that gave everyone who owned one a window on the internet they could fit into a pocket. It was … [Read more...]
Looking back – looking forward
by Tom O'Malley By the 1970s, with the ever-increasing power of television and the sharp turn to the right in the tabloid and quality press, there grew a powerful sense amongst trade unionists, the women’s movement, anti-racists, the gay rights movement and the Labour party that the media needed reform. As far as I know, the CPF, founded in 1979 was the first attempt in … [Read more...]
A critical, progressive, popular perspective on media reform during turbulent years
by Tom O'Malley In 1986 the Report on the Committee on Financing the BBC chaired by Alan Peacock was published. It laid out a future in which public service broadcasting would become an ever-decreasing element in a world of commercially dominated communications. With Greater London Council funding, the CPBF, along with trade unions, campaigned vigorously against the main … [Read more...]
Where it all began
by James Curran Seething union activists at a Nottingham conference in 1979 demanded to know from press workers what they were going to do about press lies and distortions. I was at the conference as a stray media historian, and joined the huddle of people from the press. We decided – rather defensively – to set up a reform group. We called it the Campaign for Press … [Read more...]
Thanks to and from unions
We want to thank the Unite GPM&IT Sector and Unison (Scottish Region) for the financial support to produce the final issue of Free Press. We received this statement from Tony Burke, Unite Assistant General Secretary: Unite and its GPM&IT Sector is sad to see the ending of the Campaign For Press and Broadcasting Freedom, after many years of working with the Campaign, … [Read more...]